What we offer:
Individual tutoring at home
in Bonn/Rhein-Sieg District
Individual online tutoring
Group classes at the Nachhilfe Campus in Sankt Augustin
Sankt Augustin
Exam preparation
for all levels:
from 1st to 13th grade
up to the 3rd year of vocational training
Any semester in Bachelor’s or Master’s degree programs
in all subjects
German, Mathematics, English, French, Latin, Spanish, Italian, Arabic, Biology, Chemistry, Electrical Engineering, Geography, Social Studies, History, Pedagogy, Accounting, Finance, Business Administration
for all types of schools/educational institutions
Elementary, Vocational, Main, Real, Comprehensive, and High Schools, Colleges, Universities, Specialized Schools
with qualified teaching staff
Minimum of 2 completed semesters in the subject to be taught
Didactic & methodological expertise
Over 10 years of experience
(since 2011)
personal contact Person
A management team is available to answer all your questions!
private tutoring in a professional setting
Owner-managed tutoring service
Individual tutoring at home
Our teachers come to your house, where you can learn in your familiar environment. You have all your materials at hand – unless they’ve been accidentally left at school. :)
We establish a personal relationship with you, which is conducive to learning. This reduces the fear of making mistakes, and from experience, you learn better when the relationship is positive and friendly, as it’s simply more motivating.
You don’t need to spend time traveling, and especially for younger children, this means they are well-cared for at home if parents need to work.
Appointments can be individually arranged with your teacher.
In one-on-one tutoring, you can learn at your own pace, with the teacher addressing your individual needs.
Online Individual Lessons
Do you learn better when nobody is directly looking over your shoulder? Then online lessons might be just right for you.
Not every student prefers personal contact; some appreciate a bit of anonymity to open up and reduce the fear of saying something wrong. Online lessons also offer the advantage of a freely chosen and variable learning location. Maybe you’re at a friend’s place, on a weekend trip, alternating between mom’s and dad’s house, or preferring to stay longer at school instead of going home. As long as there’s a PC, tablet, notebook, or, in a pinch, even a smartphone with an internet connection, you can learn anywhere. We will discuss beforehand the requirements that still need to be met to ensure the tutoring session is successful.
Group Lessons at the Nachhilfe Campus
Due to a shortage of teachers, individual lessons have become a luxury.
To help as many students as possible, we also offer group lessons.
We ensure homogeneous groups – yes, all providers claim this, but for us, it means that only one subject for a specific grade level is taught in a group. We explicitly speak out against all other forms of groups. Additionally, we always ensure a small group size of a maximum of 4 students.
However, the advantages of group lessons are not just the cost of the lessons, but also the special dynamics of the group. This way, you can learn from each other and learn how to learn together, e.g., in a self-organized study group. Teamwork skills are becoming increasingly important, as well as coping with a certain level of noise or distractions. Those who have only learned in optimal, quiet, and orderly situations are likely to only be able to recall what they learned in such situations. It’s different when learning in various environmental situations; these can later be better managed, for example, when working in an open-plan office or in a home office with family.
Tutoring for Exam Preparation
If you want to approach exams calmly and without stress, proper preparation is key. This includes mastering the vast amount of material and knowing and applying the right exam strategies.
We help you to work through the subject matter in a structured manner, to review and deepen the content, and teach you how to confidently and reliably recall what you’ve learned in an exam situation, making every exam seem like a piece of cake.
You benefit from our years of experience and exam knowledge, as well as our flexible approach to additional hours before tests and exams.